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How To Learn Reading Books

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”

George R.R. Martin,A Dance with Dragons

I personally love the above quote, I am a physio and a physio must read books, not just to score in exam, but also to make changes in their behavior and personality. Book reading is really an art. Trust me we have never been taught how to read books and that's why we read very slowly.

Our eyes can read much faster than we think but there are certain things like subvocalisation and visual regression which makes us very hard for us to read book, Speed reading is an amazing concept. every great leader read books. Bill gates reads 2 book in a week and others also have some strategies for reading book.

Here i am mentioning some of the benefits of reading books and there are some books which a physiotherapist should read after completing their bachelor's degree. Once you know all the things till bachelor's, you can explore the world with the knowledge you have.

Benefits of reading:

  • You will be in discipline

  • You know more that others

  • your cognition will improve

  • you knowledge will improve

  • you will become more humble after reading and realize what you have missed in your life.

  • You will be able to make others read.

  • You will self discover the benefits of reading books


I personally use the technique which I created years ago, and it seriously made me read books and it's a continuous challenge. its called 15 day's reading challenge. I challenge myself for reading a book within 15 days.

There are many techniques for reading and first you should know the purpose of reading.

In order to read effectively, you need to use different reading techniques for different purposes and texts. You should always read for a clearly defined purpose. Some techniques of reading:

Skimming, Scanning, Detailed reading, Revision reading, Vertical reading Stages in reading a text: It is important to break down the reading process into the following stages: Before reading get an overview of the text:

  • skim the table of contents, headings and subheadings

  • read the introduction and conclusion

  • scan the relevant sections to locate where your topic is discussed

During reading closely follow the development of the ideas in the text:

  • read actively - write in the margins, highlight phrases, take note of important points

  • don't forget to examine diagrams and figures as they are information-dense

  • read critically - ask yourself questions; for example, Is the argument logical? Is it biased? Is there enough evidence to support the author's conclusions?

After reading think over what you have read. Make a brief summary of the main ideas and concepts in the text.

The Pomodoro Technique® Core Process

The core process of the Pomodoro Technique consists of 6 steps:

1. Choose a task you'd like to get done

2. Set the Pomodoro for 25 minutes

3. Work on the task until the Pomodoro rings 4. When the Pomodoro rings, put a check-mark on a paper 5. Take a short break

6. Every 4 pomodoros, take a longer break

Go through the terms in blog, grab your own book today and start reading.

For more reading skill improvement, kindly visit and DM.


Monash University.


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