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Short insight of Muscles.

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

Have you ever thought about how our body moves?

Are the only bones and some fleshy kinds of stuff that make our body move?

So in this section, I am going to tell you a very brief description of the Muscles.

The term is derived from the Mouse. Yes because the tail of a mouse is like a tendon and the body is like the muscle belly.

Muscle anatomy is identifying and describing the structures of the muscles of the human body.

Everyone knows there are about 206 bones in the human skeleton.

But if we talk about the numbers of muscles in the human body, it is around 639 muscles in the complete human fleshy structure.

There are basically 3 classification of muscles:

1. skeleton muscles

2. smooth muscles

3. cardiac muscles

The skeleton muscles are the muscles which are attached to the bones. They are voluntary muscles which means we can control them by our will.

E.g. Biceps

The smooth muscles forms the inner lining of our organs and are involuntary.

E.g. Lining of gut.

The cardiac muscle is present in heart and this is also an involuntary muscle.

This is the classification of muscle based on the location but these are several other types of muscles depending upon the striations and fascicular architecture of muscles.

The fibers also vary in muscles like slow fibers and fast fibers.

The muscles are also differentiated on the basis of shape and size.

Click here If you want to now more about the classification of muscles.

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